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Related article: the way through. It was played with notable fairness. Every kind of polo was shown us : steady and moderate defence, quick attack and careful passing by each side in turn. There were many Paxil Cr 37.5 instances of notable play, Mr. Buckmaster's first run for the posts (which ended in a score), the defence of Mr. G. A. and 458 BAILY S MAGAZINE. LTr Captain £. D. Miller at a critical point in the game and the com- bined work of Mr. George Miller and Mr. Foxhall Keene, which resulted in the final goal. After the scores had been equal, the Ranelagh Club won by 4 goals to I. Wapvickshire v. Ranelagh. — This game, good as was the one above described, quite equalled the earlier match in interest. It was played in a failing light, late on May nth, on the New Ground Buy Paxil Cr at Ranelagh. The sides were: — Warwickshire. Paxil Or Paxil Cr Mr. F. Harereaves. Mr. F. Mackey. Mr. F. Freake. Capt. St. G. Daly, Ranblagh. Lord Shrewsbury. Mr. A. Rawlinson. Mr. W. Btickmaster. Capt. E. D. Miller. Umpire : Mr. C. D. Miller. A short list of some of the ponies will tell that it must have been a fast game: — Matchbox, Patricia, Mulatto, Santana, Springhill, Mr. Mackey's chestnut and his black, and a new chestnut thoroughbred mare. Buy Paxil Cr Online Seaside, belonging to Mr. Rawlinson. This mare can gallop and will turn, and is quite a gem. She showed up well; even in such company, and in an exceptionally fast game. The leading features of the play, so far as the game could be seen, were, first, the resolute, well-carried-out runs by Mr. Mackey, who was the cause, if not exactly the hitter— and he may have been that, too — of half the four goals made by his side ; secondly, the return to form of Captain Daly. He has, naturally, not quite the control of the ball that he had before his retirement, but that will come with time and practice. Paxil And Paxil Cr Mr. Buckmaster played splendidly, and fairly roused the spectators to enthusiasm by several of his strokes. We felt a little injured when, at 4 all, a draw was proclaimed. Perhaps the annoyance was unreasonable, for it was only a practice match, after all. The entries for the Hunt Club closed on May 151k, and it seems likely that the \'ic- tory of the Pytchley will be recorded in the next Baily. The Handicap Toamamant.— Just before the great g'ame noted above, the final of the Annaal Handicap Toumameot w;a5 brought off. Two teams had worked their way through a moderately interesting series Paxil Cr Coupon of forty - minutes* matches to the final. These were : — G. Lord Mootgomerie. Mr. Wigan. Mr. W. B. Court. Mr. G. A. Miller. D. Mr. Bredcinzklge. Mr Guy Gilbcy. Mr. Wotmald. Capt. v. lliynoe. Lord Montgomerie is a new player, and with patience and practice will doubtless do well. Mr. Guy Gilbey made his first appearance after his two years' abstinence from polo. He was beautifully mounted, and did most of the work for his side, but was not able to break through Mr. George Miller's defence. With these exceptions, the teams were not as good as we have generally seen in the final of this tournament. Harlingham. — Like Ranelagh, the Fulham club has been able to show good play and good attend- ances. As, however, they did not use their best ground until a week after Ranelagh, their matches did not clash with the latter. The Trial Tournament, with which Mr. St. Quintin opened his season, was distinctly a good one, and if the quality of the polo in the final on May 4th was not equal to the Old Cantabs' match on the same day at Ranelagh, the interest of the game was hardly less to the spectators. The teams were as follows : — D. Mr. G. Curtis. Mr. W. R. Court. Mr. H. Scott Robson. Mr. A. Suart. E. Mr. A. Suffert. Mr. H. Spender Clay. Mr. A. RawlinsoQ. Mr. T. B. Drybfoagh. It was in all respects a curious game, for £ team had all the best I90I.] Paxil Cr 37.5 Mg with a carefully-placed stroke, de- cided one of the longest polo matches on record, in favour of D team. The Social Clnbs. — This is a